Adult Residential Rehab and Detox
Phoenix Futures’ Scottish Residential is a disability-friendly service which offers a drug and alcohol-free environment and structured support for people over the age of 18 looking to address their problematic drug and/or alcohol use.
We have been successfully supporting people to achieve long term recovery for more than 25 years in Scotland and for 50 years across the wider UK.
The service is based in a modern, newly refurbished centre, with excellent links to the city centre and a wide range of off-site activities available through our network of partnerships.
Our service features:
- 31 individual, accessible bedrooms with en-suite wet room / bathrooms – adaptations can be made to bedrooms responsive to the needs of the service user e.g. bed supports, toilet aids, grab bars. The service also works in partnership with occupational health teams to ensure access to aids required for each individual.
- Designated gender specific rooms and social lounges
- Level access reception area – with disabled parking bay directly in front of main entrance
- Level access service on both ground and first floors, with a lift between ground and first floors with tactile press buttons
- 2 x large separate bathrooms with mobility aids and bath hoist – one on each the ground and first floors. Service also benefits from a mobile hoist and evacuation chair for emergency response.
- 2 x Level access gardens
- Information accessibility – workbooks and work sheets can be printed in a readable text
Treatments Provided
- Comprehensive treatment programme within a therapeutic community setting, providing a range of health and social care services to suit the needs of individual service users. It promotes change by developing self-worth and personal responsibility, challenging individual attitudes and behaviour and encouraging the development of life and social skills through engagement in daily work and activity routines.
- Structured psycho-social personal development group work embraces Cognitive Behavioural Therapy methods
- Personalised support provided through one-to-one sessions and alternative therapies.
- We use the accredited outcomes tool (outcomes star) to inform care planning
- Detox regimes
- Health & Wellbeing activities for example; Together Project- music & performing arts, swimming, arts and crafts. There are also a large number of partners in and around Glasgow who support individuals to engage in various activities – partners agencies will be detailed in the Recovery plan and collaboratively agreed in response to individual need.
- After completing treatment at the residential, residents are supported to move onto our supported housing services or their own accommodation
- ‘Work-as-Therapy’ departments include: co-ordination/house management, welcome house support, cleaning/laundry, publications, house management, catering- dining room preparation and adaptions gardening.
- Engagement with online groups
- Gender Groups
- Family sessions to support loved ones understanding and education
- Various interventions delivered inhouse and/or external by partners of the service to support personal development and growth in recovery capital
- Phoenix Re:United – Aftercare group
- Phoenix Specialist Move-On Housing pathway – we currently have one property which has been partially adapted for wheelchair users.
*There may be a small number of activities where accessibility is limited in these cases we will provide appropriate alternative activities.
What medication should I bring with me?
Our admissions team will discuss the required medication to bring with you upon arrival. Throughout your programme there will be regular opportunities to meet with the doctor to review your needs.
Bed Capacity
31 (male/female)