Rehab Centre of Excellence

The BAC O’Connor Centre was founded in 1998 by Noreen Oliver MBE, following her own experience of being severely dependent upon alcohol. “you spend years and years in a revolving door, lost in a system and culture that supports your own emotions of guilt, shame, anger and resentment . It was by luck, destiny, whatever it may have been , shown a way out and that is what our centres offer today – an exit route out of addiction to a journey that leads to freedom from addiction, a chance of recovery , a life for all who want it instead of a daily
existence. A programme that does not just treat the symptoms but deals with the past, present and future.” BAC O’Connor is a centre of excellence with some of the highest outcomes in the Country, all of our therapists are qualified or qualifying to degree and masters level and a number are in recovery themselves, however being in recovery itself is not a qualification and we believe that therapists should be qualified to a minimum of degree level with regular supervision.

We are not the glitz, we are not the glamour but we produce some of the highest outcomes in the country because our evidence-based programme works. So if you are serious about real recovery and improving your quality of life choose the right road to recovery, choose The BAC O’Connor Centre.

Treatments Provided

Detoxification – Alcohol, Opiate (case by case basis), Stimulants, Benzodiazepine, Buprenorphine, Physeptone

Admission Times – No later than 3pm Monday – Friday, Saturday & Sunday can be arranged

Treatment Modalities – Detoxification & Rehabilitation: 7 day, 10 day, 2 week, 4 week, 8 week, 12 week Secondary: 2 week, 4 week, 8 –52 weeks

Co-occurring Disorders Treated – Anxiety, Mood Related Disorders, Trauma, PTSD, Depression, Stress

Additional Addictions Treated – Food, Gambling

Treatment Programme Available – Eclectic, 12 Step introduction, Secondary Independent Living Programme, Recovery Housing, Social Enterprise Work Placements

Workshops Available – Substance Misuse, Denial, Anger & Resentment, Acceptance and Change, Self Esteem, Fear & Trust, Consequences and Gratitude, Relationships, Assertiveness, Grief and Loss, Relapse and Cross Addiction, Guilt and Shame, Letting Go, Step Groups, Relaxation & Mindfulness

Bed Capacity

36 Rehab beds / 8 Detox beds / 33 Recovery Housing Beds

Q How much will it cost me to stay at The BAC O’Connor Centre?

If you are eligible to claim housing benefit you will need to pay a small amount to your house contribution which covers your utilities. If you are not eligible due to claiming on another property an appropriate amount will be discussed with you based on your individual circumstances.

A range of packages are available to privately-funded clients based on your needs so please call us to discuss the options available.

Q How long is the rehabilitation programme for?

Our 12 week Therapeutic Rehabilitation Programme is delivered by experienced, qualified therapists with a range of different specialisms including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Child Trauma, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Abuse. We use a collective range of therapies including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Dialetical Behaviour Therapy, Gestalt and Person-Centered Therapy. We also offer yoga, art therapy, creative arts and psychodrama as part of the 12 week programme and you will have access to our complementary therapy team who can provide relaxation, reiki healing and acupuncture.

An optional Resettlement Programme is available upon completion of the main programme, this 4 week phase supports people to move forward on their recovery journey and works with you to address issues such as employment, debt, benefits and training.

We also offer bespoke rehabilitation packages between 4-6 weeks in duration where appropriate, please contact us to discuss your individual needs and a member of our team will be happy to run through the options available to you.

If required you can also access our Recovery Housing scheme which offers semi-independent living accommodation.

Q Can I have visitors?

This boundary is put in place to support you whilst you are vulnerable in your first few weeks. In exceptional circumstances visits can be arranged at other times however you need to focus on your therapy.

Q Will I have to share a room?

Single rooms are available and if there is a reason that you feel that you can’t share a room you should discuss this at your assessment.

Q Can I have a mobile / I Pod / C.D player?

Phones are removed to allow you to focus on the programme and the groups and to get the most out of your time with us. There is also a stereo in the main unit and you can listen to music there. We don’t allow personal CD players because this is a health and safety risk.

Personal CD players can also encourage isolating and you have been isolating throughout your addiction so now is the time to start socialising.

Q Is there a TV in my room?

Once you move into semi independent living you may have a TV and personal effects within your accommodation.

Q Is this a religious programme?

Q Have I got the option of buying my own food?

All service users contribute towards their food and the menu is planned by service users with the resident chef. There is always fruit available and a choice of options for evening meal.

Q Will I get help paying my debts?

Q Will I have to speak about traumatic or painful issues in a group?

Q What happens after completing the programme?

The BAC has 3 Recovery Houses, each with 11-12 self-contained units that you can live in with shared facilities which allows you to gain confidence whilst re-building your life and the opportunity to learn basic life skills such as cooking and budgeting.

These flats are designed to enable you to live semi-independently whilst knowing that you have the support of your peer group and although the flats are not staffed 24 hours a day there are always staff nearby to support you should you need it. When you live in these flats you will need to have some form of structure such as college, a work placement or volunteer work and the staff help you to put this in place.

Q Do I get any support once I leave?

Although this group is facilitated by a therapist it is your group and your opportunity to talk about how you are coping in the community and allows you to get support from your peer group. As part of your aftercare programme you can also access the complementary therapist and can drop in the centre to get and offer support to the new members of the group.

Q What if I’m homeless?

Q Is there anyone on hand to help with any problems I may have in the evening?

Q How much therapy group time is there?

Q Will I be able to work on my physical health?

Q Can I keep my G.P?

The Doctor comes in every Wednesday and there are nurses on site 24 hours a day. Whilst you are on the programme the Doctor at BAC O’Connor will consult with your own GP and you will keep your GP for when you have finished the programme.

Q Will I be treated respectfully and fairly?

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